Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Viper in the Bosom


The US Ambassador in Pakistan has been uncharacteristically blunt in her talk with the Washington Post. Her remarks on the 'Quetta Shura' ( US perception of a grouping of Afghan Taliban supporting the insurgency in Afghanistan) come just when the Kerry-Lugar Bill is being called 'peanuts' and its conditionalities are being considered as 'unacceptable' for a sovereign country and the work of those who want to survive on US largesse. The Pakistan street is also concerned with the whole 'Blackwater' expose and in fact the US-Pakistan relationship is being viewed with a great deal of suspicion with the focus once again on the continuing Drone attacks. Pakistanis are now openly asking who the real viper is after the US ambassador spoke of 'those who keep vipers in their bosom get bitten'. She also confirmed a divergence of interests with Pakistan and admitted that while they do not have enough information on Baluchistan it is going to be the focus of their interest.

The Ambassadors remarks come after an obviously 'leaked' story in the Sunday Times that hinted at 'drone attacks in Quetta'. Quetta is the provincial capital of Baluchistan-- Pakistan's largest province that has long land borders with Iran and Southern Afghanistan the heart of the Taliban struggle against the US/NATO. The current US problem with Iran is also on the table unresolved. Is the Ambassador shifting focus away from 'Blackwater' and 'Kerry-Lugar' or is this the van guard of an attempt to bring the problems with Pakistan to a head right after US economic aid to Pakistan has been tripled? Or is this to suggest expansion of the conflict in Afghanistan to justify and support McChrystal's demand for more troops under threat of failure or is it to cover up the total failure in Afghanistan by blaming the mythical 'Quetta Shura'? Does this have anything to do with a military option against Iran that is being pushed by certain lobbies? Is it just a message to Pakistan to clean up its act in Baluchistan? Or is it ALL of the above?

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