Monday, October 5, 2009

Messy situation in Balochistan

Brig Asif Haroon Raja

Balochistan has remained under developed because of lack of interest of federal and provincial leaders. Power has remained in the hands of Baloch Sardars who have pursued anti-people policies and have worst record of human rights violations.. Leading a regal life they have kept their people illiterate and in abject poverty. While in powe they did little for the development of Balochistan. Governed by medieval tribal system, cases of burying women alive and throwing women suspected of adultery to dogs in the name of honour have occurred. Ratio of population (5%) viz. area 48% of Pakistan and that too scattered, lack of education and infrastructure are other reasons for its backwardness. In order to remove the sense of deprivation of people of Balochistan, Gen Musharraf led regime allocated huge funds for the province and sanctioned several mega projects. When it was decided to speed up work on Gwadar Port along the Mekran Coast off Balochistan with the assistance of China in 2002, it worried Washington, Delhi and Baloch Sardars.

Commissioning of Gwadar with the help of China and allowing China to gain entry in Indian Ocean as a competitor to challenge the commercial and military monopoly of India and USA was unacceptable to the trio. Gwadar serving as the energy corridor to Central Asia, Gulf States and China has the potential to upturn the economic fortunes of Pakistan. Economically and militarily strong Pakistan with nuclear teeth is undesirable to both USA and India since it does not fit into the overall scheme of things.. Award of minerals and diamond rich Saindak project to China became another eyesore for USA. Proposed Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline became yet another irritant. Exploitative Baloch Sardars saw development works as a threat to their Sardari system.

Propelled by lurking apprehensions, the CIA and FBI in connivance with dissident Sardars girded up their loins and commenced their work in real earnest to fail the projects. They began to cultivate quislings in interior Balochistan from January 2002 onwards. US think tanks were activated to keep pace with clandestine operations. Stories of balkanization of Pakistan and maps of truncated Pakistan in which Balochistan is shown as a separate entity were circulated. In an article appearing in US Armed Forces Journal, Pakistan was included in the list of unnatural countries where borders needed adjustment. US Immigration Services show Balochistan as an independent country on its form.

Nawab Akbar Bugti was picked up to lead the planned separatist movement. He was in bad books of other Baloch Sardars because he was seen as an establishment man. Apart from his feud with Marris, he had eliminated his cousins and relatives and forcibly occupied their lands. CIA played a key role in bringing a thaw in their strained relations and bringing them on a single platform. Baloch nationalist parties too were gradually won over to tie the knot with rebellious elements. Nawab Bugti developed contacts with Afghanistan's RAM, RAW, CIA, FBI and MI-6 to ensure continued supply of arms, ammunition, communication system, funds, and establishment of training camps. Recruits mostly from Bugti, Marri and Mengal tribes were paid $220 monthly salary and imparted training by Indian trainers in 58 training camps located within the triangle of Barkhan-Sibi-Kashmore in interior Balochistan. Each camp housed 300-500 terrorists. Massive stocks of sophisticated arms, ammunition and explosives were built up via routes from Helmand-Muslim Bagh, Shahgarh-Kishingarh-Kashmore, and Zahidan. Once his force got fully armed and trained, Nawab Bugti stiffened his attitude and started demanding greater share of gas royalty. He then locked horns with the government on Dr. Shazia's rape case in January 2005 and tried to politicise it on grounds of Baloch honour. He made this into an excuse to trigger insurgency in Dera Bugti. He shunned conciliatory efforts and pursued path of militancy.

Dissident Sardars guided by their new mentors started to portray development works negatively asserting that people from other provinces were reaping benefits at their cost. They propagated that Balochis were denied the fruits of mega projects while non-Balochis were getting jobs and contracts. In concert with Khair Bux Marri, Sardar Attaullah Mengal and Akhtar Mengal and four nationalist parties, Bugti used blackmailing tactics to force the government to abandon mega projects. He had been drawing huge benefits from the PPL in Sui but had kept his area and the people uneducated and impoverished. As long as he pocketed gas royalty and retained control over jobs of Balochis in Sui gas plant, no voice was raised for the suffering of poor. He drew Rs 20000 monthly salary for each worker but gave the worker only Rs 3000. No sooner he was deprived of privileges he raised his voice for the rights of Baloch. Like Marri and Mengal Sardars, he had maintained a powerful private militia and built dungeons to keep his people terrorised.. Kalpar and Mastouri sub-tribes of Bugti were forcibly evicted in 1997 since they dared to challenge his despotism. They were brought back once Nawab Bugti and his militia fled from Dera Bugti in 2006.

Effects of insurgency spread to Sui and Kahan and also contaminated other parts of Balochistan. Trains, gas pipelines, grid stations, telephone exchanges and Frontier Constabulary posts became major targets of bomb blasts and rocket fire. Some Chinese were also kidnapped. Akbar Bugti continued to defy writ of the government and wanted peace on his terms. Two defunct organisations, Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) that had gone into oblivion after the fall of its mentor USSR was revived with the help of Kremlin and RAW and placed under the influence of dissident Baloch Sardars. Human Rights Organisation, NGOs, western world including USA and India lent support to Bugti led terrorists and described counter actions by law enforcers as violation of human rights. They took no notice of BLA taking credit for all acts of terror. This policy was in total contrast to the one adopted in FATA where the Army was constantly prodded to do more.

Death of Nawab Bugti in August 2006 and destruction of most Farari camps caused a huge setback to the insurgents and their patrons but the void was soon filled by Balach Marri and later by 28 year old Brahamdagh Bugti grandson of Nawab Bugti. Although intensity of insurgency scaled down to an extent that entire responsibility of security was taken over by Frontier Corps, police and levies, however insurrection continued to fester because of extensive foreign meddling. Nawab Bugti was turned into a hero and his death anniversary celebrated each year to whip up Baloch nationalism. Brahamdagh stationed in Kandahar is being provided all sorts of assistance by foreign agencies to keep Balochistan messy. Random acts of sabotage against gas pipelines, power transmissions, military convoys and target killings of Hazaras and Punjabis are continuing. Settlers, particularly teachers and professors are easy and soft targets since they are unarmed and offer no resistance. Since Mir Aali Bugti has been made the head of Bugti tribe and Talal Bugti is supportive of him and Shahzan Bugti son of Talal is planning to return from abroad to Dera Bugti, Brahamdagh's men are targeting followers of Aali and Talal and other pro-government officials to regain control of Dera Bugti. Baloch nationalist parties are helping in spreading sense of deprivation and alienation among Baloch but BNP and NP have paid no heed to advice of Brahamdagh of giving up parliamentary politics.

Brahamdagh doesn't hold Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi and chief minister Raisani in high esteem. He objects to their receiving salary from Islamabad but has no compunction in getting paid by foreign agencies and dancing to their tunes. While BLA represent Marri tribe, Baloch Republican Army (BRA) represents Bugtis. Lashkar-e-Balochistan is an armed group of Mengal tribe while Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) represents many Baloch tribes. The year 2009 has seen talk of separation gaining currency. Schools in Baloch inhabited regions have been asked not to sing national anthem or to hoist Pakistan flag. The Baloch youth and women in particular are being brainwashed and hatred against Punjab and the Army inculcated in their minds. Dissident Baloch leaders are projecting their separatist movement as liberation movement and are seeking UN intervention to help them gain independence. They have appealed to international community to help the Baloch in getting rid of Pakistan.

John Solecki, an American citizen and U.N. official was kidnapped by members of BLA in February 2009 two days before the visit of UN Chief to Pakistan. The act was performed on the advice of RAW with a view to attract world attention, internationalize issue of Balochistan, further strain Pak-American relationship and to thwart reconciliatory efforts. Some of the Baloch nationalist leaders started whispering into the ears of US officials and the UN that Pak agencies were behind the kidnapping. Kidnappers demanded release of detained Baloch women, allegedly in custody of intelligence agencies in return for release of Solecki. It was a feint to distract attention and to multiply pressure but it was proven that it was a white lie. In order to confuse the agencies about the identity of kidnappers, Brahamdagh tried to mislead our agencies by asserting that there were several separatist groups like BRA, BRP and BLUF separatist groups operating in Balochistan pursuing common objective.

Smelling the rat, our agencies came into action and soon discovered that the trail led to Brahamdagh and RAW in Afghanistan. Irrefutable evidence was provided to USA and linked it with information shared with Adm Mike Mullen and Deputy Director CIA in July 2008. Once India realized that their plan was about to be busted they panicked and instructed Brahamdagh to quickly release Solecki. Three Baloch nationalist leaders Ghulam Muhammad Baloch, Lala Munir Baloch and Sher Muhammad Baloch undertook hostage negotiations and were in touch with kidnappers as well as Pak security officials, US diplomats and UN officials. Once Brahamdagh learnt that the three had developed rapport with Pak officials, he and his handlers got nervous and apprehended that they may not spill the beans. The three became a security risk for Brahamdagh and a threat to his entire infrastructure of terror inside Pakistan. Fearing that they may not compromise the security of the terrorist activity and the routes of secret funding from across the border and the terrorist hideouts inside Pakistan, the plan was rehashed and Solecki was released on 4 April but his driver was killed. BLA proudly announced that this gesture proved that it was not a terrorist organization but freedom fighting outfit. Soon after, the three negotiators were brutally killed in Turbat and their bodies dumped near Iranian border.

Immediately after the news of murder, while separatists and terrorists exploited the story to ignite violence by killing 15 settlers and destroying public property, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad released a press statement that seemed to give the notion that Pakistan was someway guilty of murdering the three politicians. It amounted to unconcealed intrusion in an internal Pakistani issue in which the U.S. diplomats had no reason to meddle. Buoyed by this unanticipated support from the U.S. Embassy, some of the opportunists Baloch Sardars who blamed the agencies for the killings tried to embarrass Pakistan by demanding U.N. inquest. It has however now been confirmed that either it was BLA or Blackwater involved in murder of three Baloch nationalists. Turbat district which is not afflicted with tribal system has become highly restive after the incident.

Mounting evidence indicates that Brahamdagh or his handlers in Afghanistan ordered the elimination of the three Baloch politicians. The triple murder has clearly served the interest of the separatists-terrorists and their backers. The Pakistani state has been a net loser. Before their murder, the terrorists-separatists did not dare publicize their presence and actions and relied on sporadic violence to spread terror and create media impact. The triple murder changed everything. It gave these separatist and terrorist elements an opportunity for the first time to publicly display their anti-Pakistan activities. In a tribal society like that of the Pakistani Baloch, controlled by a handful of tribal bosses through intimidation, brutality and economic control, the majority succumbed to the terror. Lifestyles of impoverished BLA members have suddenly become affluent and they now live in regal style.

BLA kidnapped over 20 policemen from Naseerabad District in August and later killed them. It justifies target killings of non-locals as a reaction of Baloch against excesses of Punjabi Army. One of the Baloch writers cribbed in his write up that Baloch were not carrying out enough target killings and provoked them to intensify the killing spree and expand it to Punjab. Attacks on security forces are also continuing. Counter actions by law enforcers are dubbed as military operation and massacre of Baloch by Punjab Army. Their propaganda is picked up by the western media for further propagation despite the fact that the Army has not fired a single bullet since August 2006. Harbayar Marri and Gazan Marri, two sons of Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri are in exile in London. One of them has married Brahamdagh's sister in an effort to forge Marri-Bugti confederacy. Khan of Kalat Mir Sulaiman Daud too is in London. All three are indulging in anti-state activities and claim that Balochistan movement has gained international popularity. They are patronized by MI-6 and British government. Daud formed Independent Balochistan Council on 11 August. None of mutinous Baloch leaders have any objection to the presence of US military in Balochistan and heavy involvement of RAW in acts of subversion. Harbayar and his likes say that they do not mind Americans stealing natural resources of Balochistan or enslaving them. Deployment of large number of UK-US troops in Helmand Province also doesn't bother them but they do mind the presence of Punjabi Army on their soil which according to them has enslaved them and is obliterating Baloch identity. They have succeeded in putting a hold on construction of military cantonments in interior Balochistan not realizing that these are an excellent means for development and prosperity of backward areas.

Dawn of September heated up with hot news of alleged abduction and murder of central joint secretary of BNM leader Rasul Bakhsh Mengal. His body was found hanging from a tree in Bela and his body carried the inscription carved with blade "BLA Murdabad, and Pakistan Zindabad". Hasil Bazinjo and other party members of BNF have pointed their fingers on Pak Army and intelligence agencies, saying that a systematic campaign has been unleashed to eliminate separatist leaders. Renegade Jamil Bugti says security forces are indulging in ethnic cleansing. Reportedly, the deceased had a land dispute, was suspect in killing one named Kandus Mengal on 28 February, SHO Hasni on 9 March as well as Rustam Jamali. His murder in all probability was a result of his old enmity.

As a policy, all mysterious killings are promptly pasted on the agencies. There are credible reports that target killings and killing of Baloch leaders are being done by RAW agents and Blackwater members to provoke both sides and create anarchic conditions in the province. Peaceful Mekran coastal belt has also been made turbulent. Till recent, Al-Qaeda's entire leadership was placed in FATA by USA. All of a sudden, Taliban Shura including Mullah Omar has been located in Quetta and marked as high priority target for drone attacks. This development when seen in context with launching of military operation in Helmand province in July aimed at pushing out Afghan Taliban across the border are part of the design to ignite Pashtun belt which is presently peaceful. It appears that after the fall of Swat front and containment of Waziristan, focus of the schemers in Kabul is shifting towards Balochistan. India is keen to play Balochistan card to force Pakistan to forget about Kashmir. The messy situation in Balochistan requires emergent actions and deft handling to clear the mess. In addition to early announcement of socio-politico-economic package backed by media campaign to help remove grievances and misgivings of people of Balochistan and to win their support, use of air bases by US military in Balochistan must be discontinued and supply routes blocked. These measures would render anti-state elements and foreign agents like fish out of water.

In order to exert pressure on USA and India, both trying to jeopardize the very existence of Pakistan, we instead of remaining in the hunt for foreign aid and docilely accepting their immoral conditions should forthrightly seek early withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, extradition of Brahamdagh, Harbayar, Gazin and Daud, closure of Indian consulates in Afghanistan, stoppage of Indo-Afghan cross border terrorism into Pakistan as well as drone attacks, termination of Pakistan army and ISI bashing and putting an end to US meddlesome role in our internal affairs. Our participation in war on terror and logistic supply to US-Nato troops should be made conditional to these genuine demands. Now that the ground has begun to slip from under the feet of US troops in Afghanistan, it would be relatively easier to have these demands fulfilled. It should be made clear to US policy makers that without Pakistan's support, occupation and retention of Afghanistan by US and allied forces would have been extremely difficult. Pakistan will be the sole country that would be in a position to provide safe exit to US forces from Afghanistan. All this is possible only if our leaders do away with policy of appeasement and subservience and control their insatiable love for Kerry-Lugar Bill aid money laced with stringent conditions.

Brig Asif Haroon Raja, is Member Board of Advisors Opinion Maker. He has been a Military Atachee with Pakistan Mission in Egypt. He writes on defence, security and regional issues. Has authored several books.

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