Thursday, June 18, 2009

Taliban tribesmen pledge to wipe out al-Qaeda ally in Pakistan

By Saeed Shah in Dera Ismail Khan

In his first interview with a western newspaper, Qari Zainuddin said he had mobilised 3,000 armed followers to attempt to wipe out the feared warlord, Baitullah Mehsud, and drive his al-Qaeda supporters from Pakistan.

Baitallah, who has defeated the Pakistan army three times in the lawless South Waziristan tribal area, is considered a global terror threat by Western intelligence agencies. The US has placed a $5m bounty on his head, describing him as a "key al-Qaeda facilitator".

In his first interview with a western newspaper, Qari Zainuddin said he had mobilised 3,000 armed followers to attempt to wipe out the feared warlord, Baitullah Mehsud, and drive his al-Qaeda supporters from Pakistan.

Baitallah, who has defeated the Pakistan army three times in the lawless South Waziristan tribal area, is considered a global terror threat by Western intelligence agencies. The US has placed a $5m bounty on his head, describing him as a "key al-Qaeda facilitator".

His grip over the Mehsud tribe's area of South Waziristan, which lies on the border with Afghanistan and where key al-Qaeda commanders have been given sanctuary and support, has been almost absolute for the last three years.

But the challenge from Mr Zainuddin - spurred by widespread revulsion at the death and violence wrought by al-Qaeda in Pakistan - threatens to undermine him for the first time.

Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph at a hideout just outside the dangerous tribal area, Mr Zainuddin declared that Baitullah had betrayed both his religion and his tribe.

"To fight our own country is wrong," said Mr Zainuddin, guarded by Kalashnikov-carrying followers. "Islam doesn't give permission to fight against a Muslim country. This is where we differ (with Baitullah). What we're seeing these days, these bombings in mosques, in markets, in hospitals; these are not allowed in Islam. We don't agree with them."

Baityullah is responsible for sending out hundreds of suicide bombers and staging spectacular attacks across Pakistan, with a terror network that reaches deep into the country. This weekend, his group claimed responsibility for last week's devastating bombing of a luxury hotel in the north west city of Peshawar and the assassination of a prominent anti-Taliban cleric in the eastern city of Lahore.

Mr Zainuddin is raising a private army and hopes to convince the proud Mehsud tribe, which has been subjugated by Baitullah's violence, to rise up against him. A tribal "jirga" (meeting) has been called to formally decide whether to throw their weight behind the new leader this week. A powerful armed faction, known as the Turkistan group, which lives on the edge of South Waziristan, has already joined forces and provides much of Mr Zainuddin's muscle.

"Now people's hearts have come alive," Mr Zainuddin said. "Before, no-one was willing to speak up against this brutality, these wrong things. Now people are willing to say that Baitullah Mehsud is a beast. God willing, the people (the Mehsuds) are with us."

Sporting a trim beard and speaking with fluent confidence, Mr Zainuddin described his battle with Baitullah as a "fight within our own house" and claimed that many of Baitullah's men were deserting to join him.

"We work differently to an army. They will do much damage and homes of ordinary people will do destroyed," said Mr Zainuddin. "It is better that we Mehsuds take care of this."

Mr Zainuddin, 30, also from South Waziristan, describes himself as "real" Taliban and is the only leader from Baitullah's home turf who has had the courage to speak out and organise against him.

He too is a Mehsud and was once part of Baitullah's network, giving him an intimate knowledge of its working and its members, a knowledge that the Pakistan army lacks.

Around a dozen Mehsud tribal chiefs, in separate meetings, told The Sunday Telegraph that they supported Mr Zainuddin but they were distrustful of the Pakistan government and especially the army, which has made secret deals with Baitullah in the past.

Mr Zainuddin said that if this chance was missed, the menace of Baitullah would "grow enormously". A vicious round of blood-letting between Mr Zainuddin and Baitullah's men has already began, with beheading the favourite mode of execution. In a significant victory, Mr Zainuddin's followers have managed to chase Baitullah's men out of the two major towns that lie close to South Waziristan, Dera Ismail Khan and Tank, liberating the local population from a life of ever-present dread.

But while Mr Zainuddin wants to stop the war within Pakistan, he is still uncompromising about Afghanistan, and believes in a more old-fashioned jihad. He said that the Taliban's mission was to fight in Afghanistan but Baitullah had diverted them into a war with Pakistan.

"The whole Muslim world should come together because all infidels have come together against Islam. Whether it is Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Muslims must protect ourselves," said Mr Zainuddin, who has the title of "Qari" or Islamic scholar. "But we cannot go to Afghanistan these days because we have had to deal with Baitullah."

He also has a personal score to settle. His uncle and brother were murdered by Baitullah's men, who also looted and destroyed his family home in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan army is preparing to launch a military offensive against Baitullah Mehsud, to follow the current offensive against a branch of Baitullah's Taliban movement in the Swat valley. Long convoys of army vehicles were visible passing through Dera Ismail Khan and Tank towards South Waziristan on Friday and Saturday, while Makeen in South Waziristan, a village known as a Baitullah stronghold, was pounded by Pakistani jet fighters late on Friday.

Baitullah is reckoned to have 10,000 heavily armed men with him and a complex network of tunnels, bunkers and other fortifications in South Waziristan, where the mountainous terrain is perfect for guerrilla warfare. If Baitullah's people melt into the population, the army will certainly need Mr Zainuddin's help to track them down.

In Dera Ismail Khan, the mood has been transformed after the emergence of Zainuddin. A year ago, no-one dared criticise Baitullah, even in private. Now, some people are willing to vent years of silent anguish, during which time they saw their homeland snatched away by Baitullah's throat-slitting thugs.

"Not since the time of Alexander the Great have the Mehsud people suffered such slavery," said a tribal chief. "We want to stand with Mr Zainuddin but our problem is that we don't trust the government. Three times in the past, they have made deals with Baitullah Mehsud. Generals have gone and eaten supper with him. We are scared that the generals will make up with him again."

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