Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Indian strategy of blame game

Pakistan Observer

ALLEGATIONS by the Indian leadership or their agencies against Pakistan for whatever happens in our immediate neighbourhood are not a source of surprise for the people in both the countries. They put the blame of their failures on Pakistan with dual purpose to keep Islamabad under continuous pressure and gain international support and sympathy.

According to a report published in The Times of India, Multi-Agency Centre (MAC) in the Indian Home Ministry has drawn an assessment that there are still 42 terror-training camps in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir directed against India. The assessment was prepared on the basis of inputs from RAW, Intelligence Bureau, Military Intelligence and other sources. Indian intelligence agencies are known for fabricating fictions and misguiding their Government by blaming Pakistan even for the heinous crimes committed by them. As and when an incident takes place, they immediately raise an accusing finger on Pakistan and when inquiries are held by the Indian officials, as was in the case of killing of Sikhs in occupied Kashmir or attack on trains, they prove otherwise. The assessment of the MAC is in total contradiction of the statements by the Indian leadership and even by the Army Chief in which they openly stated that there was no infiltration from the Pakistani side. The present demonstrations in Occupied Kashmir have local dimensions due to incidents of rape and killing of innocent Kashmiri women by occupation forces and opposition to farce elections. The fact is that Indian security forces are indulging in worst form of state terrorism in occupied Kashmir that has been acknowledged by international Human Rights organisations. The Indian Home Ministry must wake up and realize that a lot of water has passed under the bridges and allegations of this nature would no more gain recognition. The world acknowledges that Pakistan itself is the victim of terrorism and suffering the most due to bomb blasts and suicide acts being committed by a handful of anti-state elements who are receiving arms and finances from India in order to destabilize Pakistan. The MAC assessment prepared cleverly and shrewdly is nothing but an attempt to forestall any finger pointing from Pakistan or the Western countries. The Foreign Office and the Interior Ministry must therefore strongly counter the propaganda of terrorist camps in Azad Kashmir and expose the real face of India before the world of its backing to terrorist activities in Pakistan.

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