Friday, June 19, 2009

Is it a final showdown?


Waqar Ahmed

From the events of PC Peshawar, Jamia Naeemia Lahore and bomb blast of Nowshera, it appears that the militants have decided to stage a final showdown before total collapse. This idea is further augmented from some intercepted conversation among the commanders of the militants, which shows that they have been completely demoralized in resisting the Pak Army. High ranking commanders of the insurgents who are on the pay role of foreign elements are threatening their own fighters in desperation. For example, some Taliban suicide bombers were dispatched to a local commander "Hamzala" from "Haji Gul" who said that the suicide bombers were not allowed to leave their position.

He further said that any body falling back from his position will face serious consequences. Haji Gul said that he will kill the person himself if he runs away from his position." This state of affairs clearly demonstrates the chaos in Militant's camps. Setting aside the threats of their high-ranked commanders, demoralized militants have been extremely pressurized, and after losing control over their concerned areas, they are running from their last bastions. All military experts agree that "cohesion is a critical factor in all echelons of war", for without it, the "organization melts away into disjoined individual parts, each seeking its own interests over the good of the whole". While judging in these terms, an unending division has been created in the cohesion of Militants. Depressed and demoralized Taliban have been withdrawing from their positions in quick succession. In the recent past, the quick retreat of the insurgents from Buner, Dir, Mingora and other regions has verified this fact. Now, even they feel it difficult to prolong their pocket resistance at some places. Latest reports indicate that majority of the Taliban leaders and commanders belonging to the banned Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) led by Sufi Muhammad and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) headed by Maulana Fazlullah have either been killed, captured or escaped from their respective war zones. Various political analysts have indicated that major failure of the militants of Swat has been the absence of the motivated suicide bombers in the battlefield. In the recent past, a network for motivating and training suicide bombers existed in certain Taliban strongholds in Swat, but it seems that majority of the young bombers sent to the valley and other districts of Malakand were not locals.

They were either foreign fighters or Afghan refugees who have escaped to Afghanistan due to the fear of death. However, there are a number of reasons which have brought about a division among the militants. The insurgents have themselves become fed up with the criminal activities of the Taliban like beheadings, kidnappings and especially their tactics of torturing the innocent people. They have come to know that under the cover of Islamic Sharia, Taliban want to impose a brutal system of the Middle Ages. Every war is fought with an objective, but the militant leaders have no definite aim. It was owing to their anti-Islam and anti-social activities that their own motivated field attackers and suicide bombers deserted their fellow-fighters.

Atrocities of the Taliban also forced the common people of the Malakand division to leave their houses as more than 2.5 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) refused to accept Taliban style of Sharia and preferred to live in camps. Political defeat of Sufi Muhammad and false indoctrination of the youngsters by Maulana Fazalullah resulted in dissentions, ultimately causing a rift among the militants including those who were assigned suicide missions. Now they are no more in a position to misuse and exploit Jehad in organizing the insurgents so as to massacre other Muslims. Misdeeds of the Taliban could be judged from the facts that at some places, local people are refusing shelter to the running militants.

Recently, more than 6 Taliban were killed by the local tribesmen in Dir. Unlike the Militants, Pakistan's armed forces have been fully supported by the people of Pakistan. In wake of public backing to the military operations coupled with high morale in Pakistan's security forces has created disunity and demoralization among the militants. During house to house fighting in Mingora, the soldiers of Pak Army fought boldly and did not care for their life. Meanwhile, commandos were air-dropped at various strongholds of the insurgents. With high moral force, will to fight, strong determination and cohesiveness, our Armed Forces succeeded in disrupting the supply lines of the militants. They totally destroyed the command and control system of these insurgents, de-linking them from each other. Thus majority of the resisting militants were besieged by our forces at many places. This entire phenomenon compelled militants to fight in the scattered forms-ultimately resulted in a greater division among them.

Although backbone of the Malakand militants has been broken by the Pak Army, yet public support for these military operations must be maintained by our media in the best interests of Pakistan. Still, general masses must cooperate with the security forces and agencies in detecting and capturing the top militant leaders who are working on the payroll of Indian secret agency, RAW and American CIA with the sole aim to destabilize a 'nuclearised' Pakistan for their common strategic agenda.

In this respect, it is a good sign that on June 7, hundreds of tribesmen in Upper Dir have laid siege of around 200 Taliban in response to a suicide attack which killed more than 30 people in a mosque on June 5. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that militants are no longer a match for the fighting spirit of Pakistan's Armed Forces.


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