Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is this The End Of India?

India with Blind govt, Deaf Army chief, militant groups and hushed masses battling to be a super power……


Khuswant Singh- a renowned journalist world wide & recognized as Nom Chomsky of India, in his book "The End of India" predicted about the total destruction of India into diminutive parts. He cautioned not only govt but all stake holders of Indian so called secular society that they should not only forget the partition of India but also accept presence of Pakistan and all Muslims inside and outside of India with open heart .He further suggested that India must accept equal rights of others, do justice with minorities, discourage extremism grouped with militancy and forget to eliminate the low caste Hindus from the society by degrading and disregarding their presence in millions. But unfortunately, since the publication of his book all these evils have unprecedented increase in Indian society.

It was a few days back when two famous news publishing groups of Pakistan (The Jang) and India (Hindustan Times) hoisted a flag for peace in the subcontinent. It was really very lovely on their part because this is the time when poor masses of the region are looking for respite so that economic activities can burgeon in the area. Probably people are now fed up from wars and arms race. The masses now want that governments must spend money on their welfare, health, education and comforts of life. Each one having little knowledge and vision of future, looks towards European Union countries, how they have resolved their skirmishes and now are focused on scientific advancements and economic growth of their people. But when one of the two countries is India, in a peace dialogue with Pakistan, results are always pitiable as India never responds positively to peace process. The theme "Aman ki Aasha" is a good beginning. Peaceful people of Pakistan responded well and it received warm welcome in Pakistan side of the border but it was not acceptable for the militant minds and extremist groups having deep roots in govt, Indian army and society as well.

It was really interesting to see the influence of politicians getting lead from extremist groups on the sports event IPL, being conducted in India. At this time, Indian media kept quite and never pointed what all was happening. It was really terrifying to engulf that every one in India had gone bonkers. When poor people of the two countries just started dancing under the flag of "Aman ki Aasha", the Indian wise strategy makers same as of their previous record, stabbed the peace process by influencing IPL franchises for snubbing Pakistani players at auction. The mind planning this all, was really cunning and insightful that successfully pierced the hearts of ordinary cricket lovers. Actually, extremist elements of India being supported by Indian army and agencies want to escalate the war between two countries. This time they tried a way which is never used anywhere in the world ever. They polluted the sports which are always above politics and players are ambassadors of peace. But it was a typical Hindu mind who at one end never hesitates to damage Pakistan and on the other sabotaged the peace efforts. This was really a right move to hoist the public sentiments. Time and again, India by its actions has proved its enmity with Pakistan and people of Pakistan and govt must take a serious note of it. India showed its true colors with this one action when Pakistan cricketers were ignored and humiliated by IPL franchises at the player's auction in Mumbai, India on Tuesday. With this snub, no Pakistani cricketer will feature in the third edition of the IPL to be held in India in March 2010. It was not only players who went under the hammer but the hearts of millions of cricket lovers across the region. Let us see how this Aman ki Aasha floats in coming days with the Indian extremist's desperate efforts to interfere with it. As far as cricket is concerned, it is really funny on the cricket management part that no player of the world T20 champion team will be playing. It seems from the sports point of view that India has probably slapped its own secular face by showing this drama to complete world.

New Year is exposing India in front of the world with each passing day. New Year started with millennium statements of the Indian army chief who either talked of nuclear war or attacking two nuclear neighbors simultaneously and was boasting to defeat both. In the same month while visiting the test fire, the chief himself admitted Indian army's armored debacle and expressed concern about the force's night blindness in the area of armored corps and mechanized Infantry. As per Indian Tv, it also revealed during test fire that army chief was deaf from one ear and will be the first army chief to retire on medical grounds. Seeing the health, statements and action of the general, I am afraid that opinion of some other health check specialists may also be solicited. It's really high time for Indian people as their state apparatus is dancing into the hands of extremist groups and international power brokers. With its actions govt seems totally blind and dancing for the goals which are never achievable.

When Indian policy makers and highest officials are talking of wars with nuclear neighbors, humiliating the peace process and battling for becoming a superpower through short cuts; the situation inside country is alarming. India's Maoist rebels are now present in 20 states and have killed more than 900 security officials. People are coming on the roads for price hike and in a recent protest Malaiam Singh Yadev, the leader of Samaj Vadi Party was arrested by the police. Deepening stark inequalities and raucous role of militant elements are harnessing India towards a self triggered tragedy which will not only destroy India but the region also.

At this critical juncture of time, India requires a policy and leadership who can comprehend the future challenges. Other than falling into the hands of international power brokers and extremist groups from inside, India will have to hold firmly its secular image with real implementation. India will have to address the grievances' of people from with in and will have to regard the rights of its neighbors. Extremist militant groups have deepened their roots in Indian society and armed forces as well. India will have to eliminate them by discouraging such thought process. 21st century is an era of peace, prosperity and mutual trust where all nations can live with equal rights and comforts. If India does not regard the will of the people, none in this world be able to safeguard its integrity and she will break from inside. India at the moment is at the cross roads of its existence and any adventure will take it to turmoil.

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