Friday, January 29, 2010

Indian water theft

The Nation

A recent report, which warns that water theft by India on the river Chenab on a wide scale, involving diversion of thousands of cusecs of water could result in crop failure on 10 million acres of land on Pakistani soil, is alarming. This particular form of water theft is being carried out with the help of powerful pumps installed across the border along the rivers and their tributaries flowing into Pakistan. Basically, it speaks volumes about the cunning ways, which our archenemy can invariably conjure up when it comes to doing us harm. Reportedly, these pumps have cut off 48 thousand cusecs of water flowing into Pakistan and crops, including wheat and sugarcane, are at serious risk of getting spoiled. It goes without saying that if these Indian machinations succeed; we are in for a big trouble. The pity is that the government with its Indus Water Commission appears to be in a state of denial, not taking up the matter with the Indians in the manner it ought to be.

This is hardly the time for dithering. The possibility of destruction of crops on account of water theft on river Chenab means that a food crisis of elephantine proportions is heading our way. The country is still bearing the scars of last year's wheat crisis. Another one should be avoided at all costs as its effects would cripple the economy. What is worse, it is not just Chenab but all the rivers where India has reduced the water flowing into Pakistani territory by diverting and storing them in various dams built in contravention of the Indus Waters Treaty. Currently, it is building 50 more dams in the occupied valley so as to completely turn us into an agricultural wasteland. Already a number of important canals and tributaries acting as a lifeline to the country's agriculture have dried up because of these frequent water thefts. Farmers in the countryside are in a virtual catch-22 situation, unable to water their crops.

It is not just New Delhi whose nefarious designs would have to be foiled but our so-called ally the USA. With the latest US endorsement of its aggressive policies by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, who declared that New Delhi wont stop from attacking Pakistan in case of a Mumbai-like attack in the future, our foe has been further emboldened to weaken us. Given all this trouble brewing up and the conspiracies being hatched, Islamabad must wake up from its slumber. The water crisis is no laughing matter. For the moment, Pakistan must answer New Delhi's dilatory tactics by seeking the arbitration of the World Bank.

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