Sunday, July 12, 2009

US, India seeking unprecedented cooperation: Clinton


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, preparing to travel to India next week, said Tuesday that Washington and New Delhi intend to cooperate on an unprecedented range of issues.
AFP - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks to reporters after a press conference at the State Department.

"We are working hard with our Indian counterparts to create a very deep and broad strategic engagement," Clinton told reporters in Washington before her first visit to India as secretary of state.

"And it is my hope that we'll be able to announce our intentions when I'm in India, and that we will be cooperating and working together across the broadest range of concerns that our two governments have ever engaged on," she said.

"I am very hopeful that the relationship between the United States and India, which has improved considerably over the last 15 years, continues on the path that we're on," the chief US diplomat said.

"India is an emerging global power," she said.

She said she found the new Indian government "committed to pursuing a very activist domestic agenda" in order to reduce poverty, promote development and create jobs.

Clinton announced she would travel to India when she addressed business leaders in Washington last month and pledged to work for a "dramatic expansion" in ties between the world's two largest democracies.

She said at the time that the United States sensed an opportunity after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an advocate of free markets and closer US ties, won a convincing new election mandate.

She listed climate change, Afghanistan and science as areas for new US-India cooperation. She also said the United States hoped to start negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty with India.

Some Indian commentators had griped that President Barack Obama ignored India early in his term, despite high-profile diplomacy with fellow Asian giant China and a new focus on stabilizing India's historic adversary Pakistan.

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