Thursday, November 19, 2009

Face Down the Militarists and Get Out of Afghanistan

Simon Jenkins

Go to Washington any time in the past eight years and ask what influence Britain has over America's Afghan policy. The answer is a thumb and forefinger joined in a simple zero. The same was true in Iraq. Ever since Tony Blair kowtowed to George Bush at Crawford in April 2002, Britain has been the patsy, the poodle, the dumb ally in Washington's wars of ideological empire.

Britain's military failures in Basra and Helmand, rescued in both by the Americans, increased this subservience. While French and German governments assess their nation's interest, Blair and Gordon Brown have been me-too kids on the block, panting after Washington's every wild venture. Despite 412 British soldiers dead, Brown indicated in his speech on Monday night that nothing had changed. The torture continues. London twitches only when Washington kicks.

Almost nothing Brown says on Afghanistan makes sense, and he seems painfully aware of it. He must say that soldiers are dying in Helmand to make Britain's streets safe, even when intelligence reports say the opposite. He must remain obsessed with "training bases", as if the 9/11 plotters had learned to fly in Tora Bora. He must believe that building an Afghan security force and ridding Hamid Karzai's regime of corruption can be achieved, and that they hold the keys to a British withdrawal. Pigs will fly.

Brown must also know that his Foreign Office thinks the Afghan venture mad, and sets up its hapless boss, David Miliband, to repeat that counter-insurgency is counter-terrorism. It is not. It is counter-insurgency. To equate the two is like the Iranian leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blaming foreign states for what is essentially a domestic threat - in Britain's case from a tiny fraction of its Muslim community.

The favored military option said to be emerging from Obama's agonizing review of Afghan policy is to "fall back on the cities". This seems the only way of marrying the military's desperation for ever more troops to the raw, bleeding fact that the Afghan war is hopeless. The killing can go on for ever, but the war is lost.

Falling back on cities was the last gasp of the Russians in Afghanistan and the Americans in Vietnam. It can work if you are a native population ceding countryside to an invader. But in Afghanistan Nato is the invader. Cede the country to the Taliban and you cede every city market place and street corner. It will not work. Nato has hi-tech weapons but it forgot to pack its rucksacks with an old-fashioned, mark one historian.

As for the even more desperate idea of "talking to the local Taliban", what do you say to a tiger in mid-leap? Could you eat just an arm and a leg and leave me the rest? It is on a par with Boris Johnson's brainless argument that to pull out would be to betray those who have given their lives so far. Nobody dares call a spade a spade. Were Osama bin Laden given to laughter, which I understand he is not, he would split his sides.

The suspense of Obama's "decision" on Afghanistan is acquiring epic proportions. It recalls the Delphic oracle's reply when Croesus asked if he should declare war on Persia. If he does, the oracle said, "He will destroy a mighty empire". It turned out to be his own.

We assume Obama favours withdrawal because, if he had thought more troops would defeat the Taliban, it was criminal not to have sent them a year ago. His decision has thus become a trial of strength between his view and the massed ranks of America's military/industrial complex, with its $1bn-a-day interest in the continuance of war.

If militarism wins and Obama commences a 10-year battle over the mountains and plains of Afghanistan, it will spell the end of America's status as cold war victor and putative world policeman. The complex will have him trapped. The Taliban will have him cornered, as will Bin Laden. America's democratic leadership will have been pitted against American militarism - an informal component of the republic since the founding fathers - and will have capitulated. So will Britain's compliant party leaders as they continue to utter weekly banalities over the coffins of Wootton Bassett.

If, on the other hand, Obama takes courage in both hands and announces a withdrawal, by hook or by crook, next year, the impact will be dramatic. Enemies at home will declare that America's first black president has led his country to defeat. But the boil will have been lanced. Afghanistan and its patchwork of tribal chiefs, warlords and Taliban commanders will have to write "the invaders" out of their script. Karzai must cash in the deals of the past seven years. The Taliban, no longer a monolith, would forge pacts and coalitions, as they were doing prior to 2001. Terrible things will happen in many places but, as in Iraq, they were bound to happen from the moment the west intervened.

An American withdrawal would force Pakistan once again to be the power broker and guarantor of regional stability, albeit on new terms. The Pashtun would lose interest in their al-Qaida guests, who in turn would lose their anti-American rallying cry and seek sanctuary elsewhere. The region would regain an equilibrium it can never achieve under western occupation.

Britain and America should demilitarize the war on terror, surely the most counterproductive main-force deployment in recent history. They need no longer rely on grand armies, popinjay generals and crippling budgets; on bringing death, destruction and exile to hundreds of thousands of foreigners in the faint belief that this might stop a few bombs going off back home. They would hand that job to the appropriate authorities; to the police and security services.

The modalities of withdrawal need obvious attention. Only idiots talk of leaving "overnight", but only idiots make departure conditional on some unachievable objective, such as more European troops or an operational Afghan army or honesty in Kabul. Defeat must be spun as victory. Retreat must be covered by the smokescreen of a loya jirga or "surge, bribe and leave". But it cannot be conditional on fantasy.

This war was never to be won, any more than that in Iraq. Both were neocon nation-building stunts that ran amok on too much money. Three million Iraqis, including almost all Iraq's Christians, were driven into exile. The same is starting in Afghanistan and will become a flood as NATO retreats. That nation's agony is not over yet, but the end cannot begin until the invaders depart. That will happen only when the pain outweighs the pride. The question is, how many corpses will that take?

This post originally appeared in the Guardian.

How the U.S.-China Relationship Has Changed

An undercurrent in commentary about President Obama's three-day trip to China is the anxious, decades-old question: has the Asian giant finally caught up? After debating Obama's town hall speech and negotiations over the trade imbalance, commentators have begun scrutinizing the overall dynamics of the trip. Was Obama as assertive as his predecessors? While there weren't any dramatic face-offs between the American president and his Chinese counterpart, commentators found signs that the U.S.-China relationship has changed. Here's how:

By Heather Horn

'Equals at Last' Academic Willy Lam says this visit "will go down in history as a pivotal event in the relations between the two most powerful countries of the 21st century." Specifically: "For the first time, the leaders of the United States and China talked as equals." But Lam says this equality may disappoint the U.S. China, he says, "will use its cloud to advance its agenda," and any hopes that Washington's "conciliatory stance" will result in Chinese toughness on North Korea and Iran will quickly be dashed.

Not Equals: China Has the Edge The BBC's Matt Frei painted the picture in even starker terms. "Something," he writes, "has changed in the chemistry of the world's most important bilateral relationship. America is now more in awe of China than vice versa." In the past few years, he explains, the impotency of "million-dollar smart bombs" against Iraqi homemade explosives in "drinks cans," the "petty in-fighting on Capitol Hill" showing the "limits of democracy in the world's greatest democracy," and the harsh reality of a Great Recession followed by a "jobless recovery" have brought home the once distant awareness of American vulnerability. Meanwhile, China has enacted a "whopping stimulus package that even dwarfs America's" and "established closer ties with countries like Brazil and Peru in what used to be called America's backyard." China will have to find its way through the tricky issues of authoritarianism, Frei says, but for now, the country is looking pretty good.

U.S. Conciliatory, But Countries Also Closer In the Washington Post, Andrew Higgins and Anne Kornblut argue that the big story of the trip was "Ithe United States' newly conciliatory and sometimes laudatory tone." Obama's approach "stood in stark contrast to the journeys of his predecessors," but not so much as a change in policy as reflecting "a dramatic and much bigger change in the power dynamic." But if China's rise is inevitable, perhaps the trip also provided fuel for optimism: "In many ways, the United States and China have never been closer, as reflected in a raft of joint projects outlined during Obama's visit here."

Chinese Advantage, American Advantage The Guardian's Jonathan Fenby is clear: "The Chinese machine is working, whatever the doubts about its sustainability." Obama, too, appeared to be "on the back foot" in his visit. But Fenby argues forcefully against a premature declaration of American decline:

America is still the richer and more powerful nation. Its military is far ahead of the People's Liberation Army. The administration's international fence-restoration means that it can count on an array of allies, whereas China's are few and far between, and founded mainly on money. For all Beijing's efforts to spread its soft power, it cannot hold a candle to America when it comes to popular culture; how many Chinese film stars can most people outside Asia name--other than perhaps Jet Li or Jackie Chan?

Say what you will about delays in closing Guantánamo, but most people would prefer American values to those of a regime that maintains a big repressive apparatus, locks up lawyers who defend ordinary citizens, puts petitioners in "black jails", imposes crackdowns in Tibet and Xinjiang worthy of British imperialism at its depths and forbids its citizens to watch its national day parade in the streets. Not to mention the control freakery of the system and the restrictions on information.

China Has the Edge in Optimism David Brooks thinks the "manic energy" and "moral materialism" which made America great is now to be found more in China than in the U.S. Americans, he writes, are experiencing a "[crisis] of faith," with far more Chinese optimistic about their country's path than Americans. These more "spiritual" markers of success, he argues, should not be discounted:

It may seem like an ephemeral thing, but this eschatological faith in the future has motivated generations of Americans, just as religious faith motivates a missionary. Pioneers and immigrants endured hardship in the present because of their confidence in future plenty. Entrepreneurs start up companies with an exaggerated sense of their chances of success. The faith is the molten core of the country's dynamism.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pakistani Nation to Celebrate Eid with their Heroes at the Battlefield

Our brave soldiers are shedding their blood, fighting fearlessly to
protect our families and homes, leaving behind theirs, crushing our
enemies who are now distraught against our invincible defense. Our
soldiers are not only sacrificing their lives but also their salaries,
and have reduced their rations willingly to send food to our displaced

While they are at the forefront, we the Patriots of Pakistan are
standing right behind them with prayers from our hearts and souls for
their success. We assure unwavering support to our soldiers in this
war against the terrorists, against those who have taken lives
mercilessly and done extreme damage not only to the nation but to the
image of Islam, the religion of peace and harmony.

On this Eid, we want to tell our brave heroes who are fighting for our
honor that while they will be away from their homes, they will be in
our thoughts and our prayers. Their sacrifices will bear fruit in the
form of Pakistan's prosperity and peace Insha'Allah. We stand by you,
honor you, respect you and salute you for your courage and faith to
protect the "Madina-e-Sani" of Muslim Ummah.

PKKH has coordinated with Pakistan Army to send gifts and cards of
support to our troops on ground. Let's join hands and show our
sentiments and pride for them.

We request all Pakistanis to make gift packs (for easy handling) for
soldiers with a note of love and solidarity to boost their morale and
to assure them that they are not alone, we care for them; the nation
is right behind them.

The gift packs can include eatables (factory packed/sealed) like dry
fruits, biscuits, juices, candies, chocolates and items like flowers,
small gifts, support letters, cards for our heroes. Please specify on
your gift packs that these are for troops fighting under Division
Headquarters in Waziristan, Swat, Khawazakhela, D.I. Khan.

Send your gifts via courier or registered post mentioning your name
and address, on the following address:

C/o Col Nadeem,
PRO Headquarters,
11 Corps,
Peshawar, Pakistan.

Lets join the battle!

Pak Army Zindabad, Pakistan Paindabad

JazakAllah Khair,



Monday, November 16, 2009

Pak Nukes and Obama’s AFNAM

By Dr Shahid Qureshi

"US troops in Afghanistan would cost over $1 billion per 1000 troops per year. People expect General Kiyani to show courage and overhaul his bunch first from dollar toxic generals in his ranks to save the very institution he is trying to protect? "

Some criminally negligent US policy makers' warmongers and defence contractors are not realising that it's the Russians and Chinese who are having feel days? Though Iran helped US in eliminating its worst enemies Taliban and Saddam but seemingly not willing to help US out of the mess in Afghanistan? Indo-Israel military agreements and Indo - Iran military and nuclear deals are not in the strategic interests of the US? In actual fact they are the players who got US in the mess in Afghanistan in the first place? The Indians have played double bluff with the US by flirting with Russians and Iranians, as US played triple bluff with Pakistan? Indians never stopped conspiring against Pakistan from US controlled Afghanistan? Are they alone in conspiring? There are reports of Indian funding to terrorist groups in Pakistan. What are Pakistanis doing about that?

I asked a defence expert two years ago why China, Russia and Iran not helping USA and NATO from exiting Afghanistan? The response was 'let them spend some more money and men with a cunning smile'. Those who are asking President Obama to send more troops in Afghanistan knows that cost would over $1 billion for 1000 troops per year and US is bankrupt country already. It is robbed by the same people who send it to Afghanistan and Iraq? Afghanistan is magnet for empires to come and die? Is it strange that Russian experts are predicting US collapse like Soviet Union and Chinese strategists are predicting disintegration of India?

"A friend in need is a friend indeed", is a very well known saying. Only friends can stop each other from greater harms and would give an honest advice. Majority in the Muslim World including Pakistan don't have any problems with the people of the US but with current policies. People say that a tiny minority of Washington residents and their policies have hijacked not only 270 million US Citizens, made them a target Worldwide, paranoid, cagey, phobic and fearful at home but also made other people's lives hell abroad. Analysts believe that the American people are being indoctrinated with the false propaganda through controlled media? Many analysts agree that this war on terror is a biggest fraud of this century? One should look who are the beneficiaries of war on terror? Millions have been killed and displaced in Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of what?

What could be the best friendly advice one can offer to the occupiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? (a) The best advice would be cut your losses and move out because people don't want to be occupied (b) don't repeat the same mistake again like leaving Afghanistan in a mess after Soviet withdrawal (c) start reconstruction and rehabilitation process in Afghanistan and Iraq (d) hearts and minds could be won with love not bombs, food not threats (e) fundamental change in the US foreign policy (f) Unnecessary, unfair and too much support of Israel has made lives of US citizens risky and open to hostility? (h) It seems US need to fight and win a war of liberation within from selfish blackmailers, opportunists and hijackers of the very fundamentals of the US society and constitution? (i) Efforts must be made to save innocent lives (j) safe return of more than 2.5 million Afghan refugees from Pakistan, which could be a breading ground of angry men against the US occupation.

People in the know are very well aware with the Indian game in Afghanistan; one cannot be a partner, a friend and an enemy at the same time? Yes it is important that one should have friendly terms with all the neighbours but at what cost? One wonders if friends of Pakistan are part of the problem or part of the solution?

International politics is a game of interests and those who do not understand this basic formula not only suffer themselves but also made other suffer too. As time go by countries do develop friendly relationships based on mutual understanding and respect. Well if one analyse Pakistan's hot and cold bumpy rides with the US one can easily detect that Pakistani elite thinks they are married to Americans but US thinks Pakistan is their mistress? People need to know about dollar account holder pimps, politicians and generals? The irony is the compromised and corrupt elite of Pakistan joined the foreign elements in abusing Pakistan themselves?

There is greater realisation among the people of Pakistan is that United State's enemies have better life then its friends because they live longer! "It is irrelevant if US punishes its enemies or not but it definitely punishes its friends", said a US politician. Well look how US dealt with Saddam Husain, ZiaulHaq, Yasir Arafat, Benazir Bhutto and continuous friendly treatment of Taliban in Afghanistan? So what will happen if Pakistan completely goes in the anti US block?

That would require complete elimination and detoxification of the current toxic ruling elite including politicians, generals, businessmen and technocrats. Well that seems not far? The coward and corrupt ruling elite living in fear sent its kids and families abroad. Men of Steal Sharif brothers have invested millions in London and Goldman Zardari has billions in foreign banks. Will they be shunted around as 'luggage' with US tags on their toes as happened to many US friends or this cancerous curse will stay on? The corrupt & coward Sharifs and Zardari's have never visited Pakistani troops on the front line as President Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown frequently do? People think these leaders should send their sons on the front line like Prince Charles who send Prince Harry and Prince William on the front line?

People of Pakistan are very well aware with the faces and the addresses of the collaborators their interests both in and outside, who are destabilising Pakistan. The way others and US are following Indian agenda in the region is concerning and may lead to a situation which could go out of control?

I commented on BBC TV on Tuesday 8th January 2008, "many analysts agree that Pakistan don't need enemy if it has a friend like US keeping in view the policy of betrayal, selfishness and leaving in lurch. "People of Pakistan are asking the way its nuclear program is being targeted in the US and West, one wonders if the friends of Pakistan are part of the problem or solution?"

According to analysts what could and should happen if Pakistan is destabilised or attacked? (a) More than 15 separatist armed militant movements currently going on in India would reach its boiling point and disintegrate India? (b) Certain countries could not afford two destabilised states with the 180 million and over 1 billion population in their neighbourhoods? (c) the whole lot of elite, friends and compromised beneficiaries of certain countries would be eliminated as happened after Iranian Revolution and this region might become out of bound and hell (d) reaction from 2.5 million retired and 600,000 active members of the Pakistani armed forces and public would be unimaginable for the invaders, their supporters and collaborators (e) Pakistan is not Iraq or Lebanon and people should learn from their experiences and come out of denial? (f) those who are providing protection to private mercenaries (black water/Xe) should be name and shame?

The only way forward seems to be is reality check, proper risk assessment without lies and deceptions, improvement of bilateral and multilateral relations to save lives, cut the losses and end this so-called dodgy war on terror? Though it is appalling and disgraceful the way some politicians and establishment officials behave in front of junior foreign officials? They don't represent the Pakistani nation?

People expect General Kiyani to show courage and overhaul his bunch first from dollar toxic generals in his ranks to save the very institution he is trying to protect? Who is sending top secret personal files of the generals to Americans? One need to see how far the cancers of dollars have gone in the command and infiltrated agencies? Who is taking 'goodies' according to a US expert?

President Obama probably understands that a group of his armed forces and some racist rouge elements have not accepted him as Commandant in Chief and that is why they want him to send more troops in Afghanistan so more would be killed. This Policy is bound to fail and ultimately become Obama's AFNAM?

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award winning journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)

U.S.: Army Sends Infant to Protective Services, Mom to Afghanistan

By Dahr Jamail

VENTURA, California, Nov 13 (IPS) - U.S. Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, a single mother, is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for her 11-month-old son while she is overseas.

U.S. Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson with her son, Kamani.

Hutchinson, of Oakland, California, is currently being confined at Hunter Army Airfield near Savannah, Georgia, after being arrested. Her son was placed into a county foster care system.

Hutchinson has been threatened with a court martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan on Sunday, Nov. 15. She has been attempting to find someone to take care of her child, Kamani, while she is deployed overseas, but to no avail.

According to the family care plan of the U.S. Army, Hutchinson was allowed to fly to California and leave her son with her mother, Angelique Hughes of Oakland.

However, after a week of caring for the child, Hughes realised she was unable to care for Kamani along with her other duties of caring for a daughter with special needs, her ailing mother, and an ailing sister.

In late October, Angelique Hughes told Hutchinson and her commander that she would be unable to care for Kamani after all. The Army then gave Hutchinson an extension of time to allow her to find someone else to care for Kamani. Meanwhile, Hughes brought Kamani back to Georgia to be with his mother.

However, only a few days before Hutchinson's original deployment date, she was told by the Army she would not get the time extension after all, and would have to deploy, despite not having found anyone to care for her child.

Faced with this choice, Hutchinson chose not to show up for her plane to Afghanistan. The military arrested her and placed her child in the county foster care system.

Currently, Hutchinson is scheduled to fly to Afghanistan on Sunday for a special court martial, where she then faces up to one year in jail.

Hutchinson's civilian lawyer, Rai Sue Sussman, told IPS, "The core issue is that they are asking her to make an inhumane choice. She did not have a complete family care plan, meaning she did not find someone to provide long-term care for her child. She's required to have a complete family care plan, and was told she'd have an extension, but then they changed it on her."

Asked why she believes the military revoked Hutchinson's extension, Sussman responded, "I think they didn't believe her that she was unable to find someone to care for her infant. They think she's just trying to get out of her deployment. But she's just trying to find someone she can trust to take care of her baby."

Hutchinson's mother has flown to Georgia to retrieve the baby, but is overwhelmed and does not feel able to provide long-term care for the child.

According to Sussman, the soldier needs more time to find someone to care for her infant, but does not as yet have friends or family able to do so.

Sussman says Hutchinson told her, "It is outrageous that they would deploy a single mother without a complete and current family care plan. I would like to find someone I trust who can take care of my son, but I cannot force my family to do this. They are dealing with their own health issues."

Sussman told IPS that the Army's JAG attorney, Captain Ed Whitford, "told me they thought her chain of command thought she was trying to get out of her deployment by using her child as an excuse." '

Major Gallagher, of Hutchinson's unit, also told Sussman that he did not believe it was a real family crisis, and that Hutchinson's "mother should have been able to take care of the baby".

In addition, according to Sussman, a First Sergeant Gephart "told me he thought she [Hutchinson] was pulling her family care plan stuff to get out of her deployment".

"To me it sounds completely bogus," Sussman told IPS, "I think what they are actually going to do is have her spend her year deployment in Afghanistan, then court martial her back here upon her return. This would do irreparable harm to her child. I think they are doing this to punish her, because they think she is lying."

Sussman explained that she believes the best possible outcome is for the Army to either give Hutchinson the extension they had said she would receive so that she can find someone to care for her infant, or barring this, to simply discharge her so she can take care of her child.

Nevertheless, Hutchinson is simply asking for the time extension to complete her family care plan, and not to be discharged.

"I'm outraged by this," Sussman told IPS, "I've never gone to the media with a military client, but this situation is just completely over the top."

Invading The Secular Space

By Ram Puniyani

Satya Sai Baba of Puthaparthi in his recent tour of Mumbai (Nov. 2009) was invited by the Maharashtra Chief Minister designate, Ashok Chavan to his official residence, Varsha, for blessing the house and for the associated puja (invocation). When criticsed for inviting the Holy Guru to his official residence he said that since he is a devotee of the Baba for many decades it is a privilege for him. There are many other news items where state functionaries mark their presence for the programs of Gurus and Babas (God men).

As far as Satya Sai Baba is concerned he is regarded as the living God by his devotees, while he himself claims to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi. This Sai Baba is also a miracle person and a spiritual Guru. His miracles have been exposed by the Rationalist Associations and his trick of producing Gold chain was brought up in the court, as production of gold is illegal. This case was not pursued for various reasons. There are many charges of sexual abuse by Sai baba. Magician of fame P.C. Sarkar also said his miracles have nothing to do with divinity but are mere magical tricks.

Use of official residence for such functions is in total violation of the secular constitution of the country where religion is a private matter of the individual and state functionaries can?t wear their religion on their sleeves in official capacity and in official places. Contrary to that norm, lately this norm is known more for its violation than by adherence to it. Gone are the days of Nehru when he could stand up and snub such actions by whosoever it is in the official capacity. Of course, Gandhi, Father of the nation and Nehru the architect of Indian state were no devotees of any Baba or Guru. Over a period of time such principles have been violated with impunity. Uma Bharati during her brief tenure as the Chief Minister ship of Madhya Pradesh converted her official residence in to a Gaushala (Cow shed) with saffron robed Sadhus forming the main residents of her official residence.

India has quite a broad fare of God men. There are Gurus, Sants, Maharajs, Acharyas and Purohits (clergy) in the main. Their role has been changing over a period of time. Last three decades seem to be the time of their major glory, with their presence in all spheres in a very dominating way. Their number has also proliferated immensely and while some of these are big players, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Baba Ramdeo, Asaram Bapu to name the few. There are hundreds of them scattered in each state. Many of them are working in close tandem with Hindu right, Swami Assmanand, Late Swami Laxmananad Sarswati, Narendra Mahraj etc. These are the one?s who have created their own niche with different techniques, while Shankarachayas, are associated with the Mutts coming from historical times, the Akshrdham chain is also not very old a tradition. The Pramukh swamis (Chief Guru) of these temples wield enormous clout. One recalls Anand Marg came up during the decade of seventies and not much is hearing of that now.

Overall religiosity has been on the upswing and not many are protesting the promotion of blind faith by many such God men. The rational thought and movement is on the back foot and political leadership, social leaders, of many hues are bending over backwards to please these Babas, some of whom are also dispensing health and some of them claim to be looking into the crystal ball of future.

There is an interesting correlation between the coming up of adverse effects of globalization, rise in the anxieties and deprivations and the current dominance of God men. Many an interesting observations about these God men are there, the major one being the rise in alienation in last three decades along with the rising religiosity in the social space. Many a remarkable studies on this phenomenon are coming forth. One such is by a US based Indian scholar of repute, Meera Nanda. In her book, The God Market, she makes very profound observations. She points out that this rising religiosity is manifested in boom in pilgrimages and newer rituals. Some old rituals are becoming more rooted and popular. She sees a nexus between state-temple-corporate complexes also. Secular institutions of Nehru era are being replaced by boosting demand and supply of God market.

A new Hindu religiosity is getting deeply rooted in everyday life, in public and private spheres. The distinction between private and public sphere is getting eroded as the case of Sai Baba in Maharashtra Chief Ministers official bungalow shows. Hindu rituals and symbols are becoming part of state functions; Hinduism de facto is becoming state religion. Hindu religiosity is becoming part of national pride with the aspiration of becoming a superpower. She observes a trend of increased religiosity. In India there are 2.5 million places of worship but only 1.5 million schools and barely 75000 hospitals. Half of 230 million tourist trips every year are for religious pilgrimage. Akshardham temple acquired 100 acres of land at throw away price. Sri Sri Ravishanker?s Art of Living Ashram in banglore has 99 acres of land leased from Karnataka Government. Gujarat Govt. gifted 85 acres of land to establish privately run rishikul in Porbander. Most significantly Nanda argues that the new culture of political Hinduism is triumphalist and intolerant, while asserting to be recognized as a tolerant religion. While claiming to have a higher tolerance, its intolerance is leading to violence against minorities.

It is because of this that even if the BJP may not be the ruling party, the political class and other sections of state apparatus have subtly accepted Hindu religiosity and the consequent politics as the official one, and so the justice for victims of religious violence eludes them. The question is, can the struggle for justice for weaker sections also incorporate a cultural-religious battle against the blind religiosity and proactive efforts initiated to promote rational thought.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shiv Sena men would have made 'tandoori' of Azmi: Bal Thackeray


MUMBAI: Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray has held Samajwadi Party leader Abu Asim Azmi "responsible" for Monday's mayhem in the Maharashtra assembly and said his party men would have made a "tandoori" or roast of somebody like Azmi for having hurt Marathi pride.

In an editorial in the party mouthpiece Saamna, Thackeray said that though elected from Maharashtra, Azmi took the oath as legislator in Hindi and not Marathi, and therefore he was beaten by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) lawmakers.

Stressing that the Sena was born on the issue of Marathi pride, Thackeray said in the past the Shiv Sena has carried out many such campaigns against the use of Hindi and English in the state legislature, especially by its senior member Diwakar Raote.

"If somebody like Azmi had come in Raote's hands, he would have made a 'tandoori' out of him, and removed his skin," the editorial declared.

"That (Marathi pride) has been the Shiv Sena's philosophy always and would also remain in the future," he noted.

However, Thackeray lashed out at the MNS for the violent behaviour of its legislators inside the assembly.

He said that nobody can support the violence and pandemonium created by the MNS members in the assembly Monday.

"The proceedings of the assembly or parliament must be carried out as per rules and decorum, it cannot be reduced to an 'akhada' (wrestling pit) or a vegetable market."

Azmi was slapped and pushed by MNS legislators inside the assembly Monday for flouting the party diktat of taking the oath as legislator only in Marathi.

Reacting to Thackeray's views, Samajwadi Party state president Abu Asim Azmi said that Bal Thackeray was "approaching the last stages of his life and has lost his mental balance".

"In fact, despite all his efforts the Shiv Sena could not come to power again and he is feeling very upset, so he talks anything," Azmi said here Tuesday.

The Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) combine lost the Maharashtra assembly elections held Oct 13.

INTERVIEW - Muslims watching U.S. with guarded optimism - OIC chief

By Thomas Grove

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The Muslim world is watching how the United States will act on the stalled process for Palestinian-Israeli peace and wondering how one of the main sticking points, Israeli settlements, will be resolved, the world's top diplomat for Islam said on Saturday.

Arab discontent over statements from Washington seen as favouring Israel culminated this week when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he did not want to run in an upcoming poll, citing disappointment with U.S. President Barack Obama.

Abbas' frustration with Obama centred on the U.S. administration backing away from support for demands for a "freeze" on Israel settlement building in the occupied West Bank and an endorsement of Israel's view that settlement expansion should not be a bar to resuming peace talks.

"We would like to keep our hopes that President Obama's commitments and good intentions will translate to reality, but of course we've found that the whole negotiation comes back to square one," said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary general of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

"The sine qua non for any negotiation is the stopping of the settlements ... We are still hopeful despite the fact that there are more reasons not to be hopeful," he told Reuters.

The 57-nation OIC, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was set up in the early 1970s when Islamic nations were divided along Cold War lines. While the body has no direct political power it represents more than one billion Muslims.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to halt construction in the settlements, many of which the Jewish state plans to annex under any eventual peace accord.

Palestinian elections are scheduled for Jan. 24, though few are anxious to take on Abbas' role, throwing into doubt the reconciliation of fighting Palestinian factions as well as the peace process with Israel.

Ihsanoglu, a Turkish history professor who became OIC secretary general in 2005, spoke ahead of an economic summit that has drawn criticism from human rights organisations for hosting Sudan President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who is facing an international arrest warrant for war crimes.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are also expected to arrive to Istanbul on Sunday for the summit, which is expected to focus on boosting economic alliances among OIC member countries.

The one-day summit's guest list has added to concerns that European Union candidate Turkey, an important regional ally of Washington, is shifting away from its pro-Western foreign policy, while distancing itself from traditional ally Israel.

Ihsanoglu rejected claims predominantly Muslim Turkey with was drifting away from its western allies.

"I don't see Turkey's strengthening its relations with its neighbours or the OIC countries at large as a substitute for its relations with other countries, including European countries, or the West," said Ihsanoglu.

(Editing by Matthew Jones)